Clare oliver

Click and Collect Your Free Nursery Plants

Hills residents can now pre-order their four free plants online from The Hills Shire Council’s Bidjiwong Community Nursery. They will then be able to pick up their plants contact-free at the nursery plants entrance at the allocated time.

Mayor of The Hills Shire, Dr Peter Gangemi said the new “click and collect” system will allow residents to access the much-loved nursery in a safe and convenient way, while also securing their four free plants for their yard (per calendar year). “This is a fantastic initiative, which highlights the good work this Council is doing in the environmental sector,” Mayor Gangemi said.

“Our community nursery generally produces around 60,000 plants a year, which is just phenomenal. Of these, some are picked up by residents, while others go to our parks and reserves, including Equinox Drive Reserve where 19,190 plants were recently planted. Another 679 plants went to Kellyville Park and 4000 plants are expected to go along River Road in Lower Portland and Leets Vale.

These plants are native to Australia and we even have plants that are local to the Hills Shire, which makes them suitable to our conditions, soil and local wildlife. When the plants grow, they also provide great shade canopy for residents and the community.

Nursery Plants

For more information about Council’s nursery and to join the wait list, visit Council’s website and search “Bidjiwong Community Nursery”.

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