galston community news

Circular Keys Chorus Vocal Workshop – Sharing the Well-Being Factor of Singing

Do you love to sing and perform?

The positive health and psychological effects of singing are well documented.

The ladies at Circular Keys Chorus invite you to come to their six week vocal workshop, starting in August, to find out.

The chorus sings in four parts, so if you sing high, if you sing low, or if you sing in between, there’s a place just for you.

You do not need to read music and will be guided through the fundamentals by the chorus’s Musical Director, and sought-after musical educator, Vicki Dwyer.

The chorus is currently the Sweet Adelines Australia Champion Small Chorus. In 2018, members are looking forward to travelling to St. Louis to represent Australia, for the third time, at the SAI international competition.

For more information and to register for the vocal workshop –