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Clare oliver

Christ’s Death Means Our Life

This is one of the most well known stories in the Bible (John 3:1-16).

Nicodemus was sincere. He knew Christ had something which gave him his great power and wisdom. Nicodemus wanted to know more about it. But Christ said ‘It isn’t what you know Nicodemus. If you want to be in a close, saving relationship with God, you will have to begin again. Let God give you a new heart and life.’

Nicodemus was puzzled. All he said can be summed up in one word –‘HOW?’

Christ gave him a wonderful explanation. It happens by the work of the Holy Spirit. This is made possible by the death of the Son (himself) and because of the love of the Father.

Christ reminded Nicodemus of an Old Testament story. Moses and the children of Israel were in the wilderness and desperately needed healing. God told Moses to put a serpent of brass on a pole. All who looked to it would be healed. In the same way Jesus Christ would be lifted up on the cross. Those who look to Him there as their Saviour will be saved!

It is still true today. Friend, have you looked to Jesus to be saved? He is not on the cross now. But by looking back to that cross and accepting what Jesus Christ did for you, you can be saved. You can have a new life in Christ right now.

Have you done it? Will you do it now? Come and find out more at – Glenorie Mission Church 1409 Old Northern Rd, Glenorie.

• Sunday Service at 10: 00 am
• Bible Study at 7:30 pm Tuesday.

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