galston community news

Christmas Car Boot Sale

Galston Seventh day Adventist Church
49 Arcadia Road Galston
are holding a
Christmas Car Boot Sale
on Sunday, 6th December 2020 from 9am until 1pm
Stall holder bookings: phone 0402 004 477 or
Stalls (which include stands/car boots/tables) are available, and stallholder charges are $50 per stall. Bookings essential. Drinks, including tea, coffee and water will be available with lamingtons, cupcakes and chocolates.
Stall bookings already include plants, children’s craft items, baby items, artwork from talented local artist Veronica Calistro, bric-abrac, fine bone china, Japanese dolls, antiques, food and sweets.
ALL proceeds donated to Mental Health. The area being focused on is the Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program, that deals with recovering from anxiety, depression and its associated causes. With the covid restrictions affecting so many in our community, this is a very worthy program, designed to offer sound advice and recovery measures.
The program is offered by American Doctor, Dr Neil Nedley, founder and medical director of the “Nedley Depression Anxiety Recovery Programs”, and “Optimize your Brain Program”, designed to enhance emotional intelligence. Dr Nedley is an award winning practising physician and president of the Weimar Institute. His emphasis is on gastroenterology, mental health, lifestyle medicine and difficult-to-diagnose patients. He also developed a very successful 10-day residential depression recovery program for treatment of resistant depression and anxiety.
Galston Seventh day Adventist Church recently sponsored a Free Community Wills Day, together with Solve Legal of Dural. This was another successful Community day, and was fully booked out, with Solve Legal allocating 3 legal practitioners with back to back appointments to meet demand.

The program is designed for all ages, including children, youth, adults, families, and the elderly. For program enquiries, or to make a booking for the next intake, phone Sheryl at 0402 004 477.

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