galston community news

Changes to the 40km/h road rule

The NSW Government has announced changes to the 40km/h road rule for vehicles passing stationary emergency vehicles. Following a 12 month trial of the existing rule, a number of changes are being made.

From 26 September:
• Drivers will no longer need to slow down to 40km/h on roads with speed limits of 90km/h or .. over..

• Drivers will continue to be required to slow down to 40km/h on roads with speed limits of 80km/h or under.

• The rule will be expanded to include tow trucks and breakdown assistance vehicles, which are displaying yellow flashing lights while stopped on the road.

On roads with speed limits of 90km/h or over, drivers will need to:
• Slow to a speed which is safe and reasonable for the circumstances.

• Give sufficient space between their vehicle and the breakdown assistance or emergency vehicle and workers.

• On multi-lane roads, drivers must change lanes to keep the lane next to the vehicle free if it is safe to do so.