galston community news

Castle Hill Art Society Painting Workshop and Market Day!

“Introduction to Tonal Portrait Painting” by Marie Mansfield

Whether Marie’s subject is landscape, still life or a person, her intention is to capture the soul of the subject. Marie’s name would be familiar to portrait painters as she has been a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize and a many times finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award. Her 2018 entry was a beautiful portrait of Jane Caro.

In this workshop she will be teaching us to study light, tone and proportion. You will begin by observing these things and rendering a study first in monotone and finishing with colour. Marie paints in oil but it is tone that is at the heart of this workshop and so is not restricted to oils.

The fee is $90 and a materials list will be published on our website closer to the date.

Contact Gayl Finocchiaro on 0409 321 588 to register your interest.

On the same day, CHAS members will be setting up their market day stalls with paintings, books, curiosities etc… a fun day for all! Come and see what is on offer.