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Mary Ord Celebrant

Mary Ord Celebrant
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Marry me Mary ensure every aspect of your wedding ceremony is addressed with an eye for detail and that, where possible, all you needs, desires and requirements are fulfilled. Your ceremony is the jewel in the crown of the whole wedding experience and my specialty is to evoke emotion and intimacy. Goosebumps are my goal and tears are a bonus.

Included in my duties of service

A preliminary meeting at either my home or a mutually suitable location, obligation free.
In order to prepare the ceremony to your satisfaction and to complete any necessary legal paperwork, I offer unlimited face to face consultation.
Unlimited telephone and email communications.
Information pack including explanatory notes, marriage education consultants etc.
Lodgement of all legal documentation before and after the ceremony.
A complimentary portfolio of music, readings, poems and vows, together with relevant ceremony and marriage information.
Access to further resources on my website which are protected from the public, a password will be supplied.
3 iTunes songs of your choice for the ceremony
Preparation and Design of the ceremony, incorporating any special requests such as cultural traditions, family values and rituals.
If required supply of ribbons for the Handfasting.
Assistance with writing vows.
Supply of P.A. system with incorporates a CD player.
My husband (my secret weapon to make the ceremony streamlined) plays the music when required and operates the audio equipment.
Signing table.
Covered chairs for signing table.
The delivery of the ceremony.
Keepsake copy of your ceremony and wedding music cd.
Ceremonial marriage certificate.

Love, joy and sharing!

For inquiries and bookings, please send me an email to [email protected]

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Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
0400 363 563