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Bushfire Ready … Anytime, Anywhere

Preparing for bushfires takes time and resources, planning ahead is essential.

Unprecedented wildfires raging in California serve as a sombre reminder of what can happen during hot summers here in Australia. Hills residents need to be on high alert because devastating bushfires can strike anywhere, anytime.

The last few years of La Nina rainfall has generated a huge fuel load in the bush. Although another La Nina is predicted, the threat of bushfires during the hot dry periods is very real indeed. One Australian company has boosted its fire pump production to make sure they have sufficient product available to protect homeowners.

Aussie Pumps introduced their Aussie Fire Chief almost 30 years ago. The pump is designed to be better than any other product of its kind in terms of performance, features and value for money.

The company supports Hills homeowners to set up their bushfire protection systems, offering guidance in pump selection and operation. Aussie’s website features informative videos and their “Bushfire Survival Guide” is free and available through trusted Aussie Gold Distributors. It’s also available online at

Aussie Pump_web copy

Mr. Mend