galston community news


Dural’s Men’s Shed exists to offer support and improve the wellbeing of youth and men of all ages. The shed offers a relaxed, non- threatening environment where men can join together socially, work on projects together, share problems and help each other through various life issues affecting men.

Whilst the shed caters for mature men the group is also finding that men who are employed and also university students are joining, aiding the cross generational blend. Many of the men have severe health or family issues and the shed provides a tonic for guys to forget about their problems and enjoy the company of a great little community.

Inter-generational mentoring happens every Friday when about 10 boys from a disengaged background spend time working on projects with the older men in order to build self esteem and a sense of achievement. Similarly, on Wednesdays men from Warrah and also students from Galston High School come together to work on projects with the shed members.

The generous donation of a bus by BENDIGO BANK GALSTON has been accepted with a sense of excitement and expectation by the shed members. A number of men have remarked on the new opportunities the bus will provide – improving social interaction and engagement through the ability to take day trips for the shed members.

The shed is part of a community at THE CENTRE, and this includes youth activities, playgroups and women’s group, the bus will enable these groups to go on trips and outings.

The bus can also be used to transport the FUTSAL teams from the Solomon Islands that THE CENTRE hosts each year. The Centre hosts FUTSAL teams from the Solomon Islands each January, to play in the Australian National Championships. The bus will take a burden off the shoulders of THE CENTRE in funding these travelling costs.

Dural Men’s Shed is also developing plans to fully utilize the bus around the Dural/Galston /Hills area, particularly in helping elderly or young families to get around.

For more information see