James Wallace MP

Budgerigar Society of NSW Inc

The Royal Easter Show was well attended by avian exhibitors from all parts of the state, with the number of birds being exhibited in Finch, Parrot, Peach Face, Canary and Budgerigars on the increase. It was pleasing to see the number of Junior Exhibitors within all bird types attending this year’s show. Champion Junior Budgerigar was awarded to Miss Kimberley Oldham a Hills Area resident. The Grand Champion Budgerigar and Reserve Champion was awarded to Mr James Matthews of Penrith.

Hills Branch members Ande Ozoux , Ray Galbraith and Emily Molenaar featured amongst the Variety Awards winners. This year show was held within the new Pet Pavilion, which allowed for an integrated viewing by visitors of all aspects related to various Pets, namely; products ,exhibitions and tutorial. Also located within this pavilion were face painting ( Cat faces were popular) and food outlets. A number of animal rescue groups were well represented. Country Women scones, jam and cream, with a cuppa never stopped all day.

The 26th May 2017 will herald the commencement of the 2017 National Budgerigar Titles, being held in Mackay, North Queensland. The week long list of activities will see exhibitors converge on Mackay from all states of Australia, along with local , inter-state and overseas visitors. A number of Hills Branch members are making the trip north for the event.

Prior to the National Titles, the State Selection Trials will be held at the Bulli Show Ground on Saturday 20th May 2017, to select the team of birds to represent New South Wales. NB. Birds similar to that shown as part of this article will be competing for selection.

General Public are welcome, and entry is free.
With most exhibitors concentrating on preparing their birds for the State Selection Trials, the only Annual Show being held during May is the Macarthur Branch Show being held at Camden, on the 7th of May 2017.

To be part of a hobby that can be enjoyed by an individual, partnership or family, contact should be made with Peter Dodd by telephoning 9888-5631 or [email protected]

Prager Building