galston community news

Budgerigar Society of NSW Inc

The 2019 Royal Easter Show proved to be a great success for Hills Branch member, Mr Andre Ozoux, who was awarded Grand Champion Budgerigar, with a Cinnamonwing Sky Blue – Hen. Furthermore, Mr Andre Ozoux was awarded the Reserve Grand Champion, with a Cinnamonwing Grey Green – Cock bird; truly an outstanding effort.

Competition was fierce from the many exhibitors to gain these major awards, with exhibitors travelling from the Hunter and Illawarra Regions to compete against metropolitan exhibitors. The Royal Easter Show is unique in respect of the completion rules, in that all exhibitors compete on the same level with no grading system for exhibitors.

This years show required eight stewards to manage the number of birds competing and later on display, in conjunction with computer assistance to manage the administration of the competition. Crowds attending the Budgerigar display kept the stewards busy throughout the duration of the show and many a child went away with a stamped Budgerigar as a reminder of their experience of seeing the many varieties of Budgerigars at the show.

Whilst it is common place for members of the general public to relate their personal experience to the stewards, of having had a pet budgerigar; this year a greater number of former breeders/exhibitors identified themselves and sought information in respect of getting back into the hobby. Another aspect of discussion with the stewards, is the welfare of general public family pet birds. Should the enquiry become too technical, then advice can be sought from the resident Avain Veterinarian, who is on duty throughout the duration of the show to care for the birds, if required.

With the relocation of the avain competition/ displays from the former building to the new Domestic Pet Pavilion the displays now afford the general public greater period of time to visit the exhibitions, with the an 8am commencement and an 8pm closure. These changes have allowed more opportunity for the general public to view the birds being judged and this year a talk each day by the appointed judge Mrs Kathy Manton, from within the internal arena within the Pavilion.

Care to be part of a hobby that can be enjoyed by an individual, partnership or family, then contact should be made with Ray Galbraith, by telephoning 9653-1538 or email [email protected]