galston community news

Budgerigar Society of NSW Inc.

With Christmas and the Holiday Period completed for another year, the next feature event for budgerigar exhibitors is the 2018 Royal Easter Show, to be held between the 23rd March and the 4th April 2018. The general public will be able to view the Budgerigar Display and the results of the competitions on the 26th and 27th March, within the Domestic Animal Pavilion.

Budgerigar Judges for this years’ show are Mr James Baker, of Moorebank and Mr Andre Ozoux, of Gladesville. Entries for this year Avain Competitions closes on the 7th February 2018, and again this year; Junior Exhibitors are Free.

NB. Budgerigars similar to that shown within this article, will be on display.

Arrangements are well underway for the 2018 National Budgerigar Championships, to be held at the Penrith Panthers League Complex, within the Events Marquee, between the 25th to the 30th May 2018. This competition and associated functions attract exhibitors and the general public from all parts of Australia, New Zealand and overseas.

Prior to the National Championships, each State will select a team of the best Budgerigars in each of the twenty eight varieties that will represent each of the respective States. New South Wales will select their team on Sunday the 20th May. This Selection Process titled the “State Team Challenge”, will be held at the Castle Hill Basketball Stadium and will be available for viewing by the general public from late morning.

During February a number of Annual Shows will be held around the Metropolitan and Country Regions, namely; 4th – Illawarra, 11th – Shoalhaven, 17th – New England, 18th St George, 25th – Canberra, 25th – Newcastle. Details of all these shows are available on the Budgerigar Society Web – Site, within the Whats-On Section.

Hills Branch will be holding our Annual Show on the 4th March 2018 at the Don Moore Community Centre, at North Rocks.

Care to be part of a hobby that can be enjoyed by a family, partnership or individual then contact can be made with Peter Dodd on 9888-5631 or [email protected]