galston community news

Bromeliad Spring Show

Spring is the perfect time to check out the varieties and colours available in the bromeliad world. This is the season, when many are displaying their very beautiful flower spikes and intense colour. The best place in Sydney to see hundreds of bromeliads on display is at the Bromeliad Society of Australia’s Spring Show being held at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, Showground Road, Castle Hill during September.

This is an opportunity to see and purchase from many local, interstate growers and collectors of exquisite and rare bromeliads. The show includes 2 days of public sales on Saturday, 23 September 9am – 4pm and Sunday, 24 September 10am – 3pm.

Admission is free and there is plenty of parking on site. The Spring Show includes a bromeliad display, 20+ plant sales tables, competitions, literature, information and advice. Please bring a box along for your purchases.

The most popular varieties of bromeliads for home gardens that most recognized are Aechmeas, Guzmanias, Vrieseas, Neoregelias and Tillandsias.

If you are keen to create a tropical garden effect or searching for something suitable to under-plant in shade where nothing grows, then bromeliads are perfect.

They are, very easy to grow, easy care, inexpensive and reward the grower with spectacular, long lasting blooms and ornamental foliage in a variety of brilliant colours. They require very little watering and come in a wide range of sizes from tiny miniatures to the incredible giants.

There are over 3000 known varieties of Bromeliaceous and the first recorded bromeliad was 500 years ago.

Within the last hundred years, bromeliads have become more widely used as ornamental plants. Originally only found in royal botanical gardens or the private collections. Their popularity has grown such that today bromeliads are more available to the home gardener and the bromeliad enthusiast.

For further information Email: [email protected] Ian Hook, President Bromeliad Society of Australia – mobile 0408 202 269