galston community news

Bromeliad Society of Australia News

The next meeting of the Bromeliad Society of Australia will be held at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, Castle Hill on Saturday, 10th August with sales to the public from 10am and the meeting commencing at 12 noon.

Our guest speaker will be Anna Ernst whose passion for bromeliads commenced 25 years ago when she realised these plants were low maintenance and added vibrant colour in a variety of stripes, spots and dots to her garden throughout all the Seasons.

Anna’s collection expanded further when she joined the BSA six years ago.

Once all the ground space in her garden was completely filled she started experimenting with mounting bromeliads on cut off branches and old fence palings.

“Putting together lovely contrasting colours and complementary forms of bromeliads is so satisfying and lots of fun. For me, it is relaxing to create a piece of art that I can enjoy and watch while it changes and grows over the seasons.”

Anna will demonstrate the methods she and her husband Peter have used to attach logs onto sturdy bases for free standing pieces, making wall mounted timber pieces, and the different techniques she has experimented with for attaching bromeliads onto round, flat and weirdly shaped wood.

There will be our usual ‘Show, Tell and Ask’ session and the very popular plant raffle.

For further details please contact Ian Hook, President BSA on mobile 0408 202 269, email [email protected] or refer to for the latest updates.