galston community news

Bromeliad Society of Australia moves to the Hills

Great news for Bromeliad enthusiast or keen gardeners wishing to create a low maintenance tropical garden, the Bromeliad Society of Australia will be relocating to the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground as from Saturday
13 February 2016 with plant sales from 12 – 1pm. Enter from the new Showground entrance into Doran Drive, Castle Hill.

“Our first meeting in our new home is the AGM and will include plant sales, club news, raffles and competitions as well as providing an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a friendly and inviting environment. Visitors to the club are most welcome to attend a couple of meetings prior to joining.

The membership annual fee is $25 and the club meets on the second Saturday of each month with plant sales commencing at 12.00pm followed by the meeting at 1pm.” said Ian Hook, President, BSA.

Many local bromeliad growers live in the Hills Shire and surrounding areas so there will be a variety plants available from awarding winning members for sale at very competitive prices.

If you like to come along to the first meeting please bring a mug/cup for afternoon tea.

For further information please contact the President, Ian Hook [email protected], mobile 0408 202 269 or check out the website

Following links for site location of meetings:
GPS: -33.725349, 150.984731 Android: