galston community news


The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold their next meeting at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 8 September with plant sales commencing at 11am prior to the meeting.

Access is via the new Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill with plenty of parking on site.

Guest speaker will be Ross Bolwell owner with wife Christine of Bloomin’ Greenery Nursery, 226 Annangrove Road, Annangrove. They are growers of a wide range of tropical shade tolerant plants featuring Begonias. As Begonia breeders they have introduced several hundred new cultivars.

Ross trained for 6 years in horticulture at Ryde TAFE and was then Head Teacher of Horticulture at Ryde TAFE for 15 years.

He is founding member of the NSW Begonia Society Inc, newsletter editor for the NSW Begonia Society Inc, President of the Association of Australian Begonia Societies Inc, Past President and member of the NSW Nursery Industry Association Ltd and professional nurseryman for the past 38 years.

Ross’s talk will include all the different types of Begonias and the most suitable varieties for our climate. He will also discuss the uses we can put begonias to as well as their culture, from their shade requirements to how they handle and adapt to local conditions.

BSA meetings include interesting guest speakers, plant sales, club news, raffles and competitions as well as providing an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a friendly and inviting environment. Contact Ian Hook – mobile 0408 202 269, email: [email protected]. Visit