galston community news

Bromeliad Society Of Australia


The next Bromeliad Society of Australia meeting will be on the 10th June with plant sales from 10am with the meeting commencing at 12 noon, at Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, off Showground Road into Doran Drive.

Guest speaker, Helen Lovel has fifteen years experience as a Horticulturist as well as farming together with husband Rick running Black Angus cattle on their farm on the Loddon River in Eddington. Victoria.

Helen promotes the importance of biological fertiliser by day, working for Neutrog and writes stories by night (when she’s not helping a cow calve.)

Helen is passionate about her large country garden and can never get enough of looking around gardens – always looking forward to the spring and autumn open gardens.

There will also be our regular meeting activities such as competitions, Raffle, Show & Tell, and a more recent activity called just “Show” for people who would just like to share a plant with others without it being critically judged or discussed.

For further information please contact Ian Hook, President of BSA on mobile 0408 202 269, email: [email protected] or refer to for the latest updates.