galston community news

Bromeliad Society of Australia Meetings to Resume

By Dianne Tulloch

Bromeliad Society of AustraliaGreat news for lovers of bromeliads and the Bromeliad Society of Australia is the resumption of their meetings beginning on Saturday, 10 April in the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground with sales commencing from 10am.

Local Government COVIDSafe restrictions have now been reduced to 2sq.m in the Federation Pavilion and this means that BSA can resume normal meeting sizes, provided the sales tables are placed outside giving more indoor seating space.

Normal meeting activities such as competitions, Raffle,Show & Tell, and a new activity called just “Show” for people who would just like to share a plant with others without it being critically judged or discussed.

The sales area is still problematic with the 1.5m separation and regular disinfecting of all the frequently touched surfaces.

The way the BSA can make this area safer is to still insist on gloves and masks in this area and the general public accessing the sales area must sign in and abide by the above-mentioned rules.

Because of the long shut down there are opportunities to purchase some amazing bromeliads that have been stockpiled by many of the local growers.

For further information please contact Ian Hook, President, BSA on mobile 0408 202 269 email: [email protected] or refer to

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