galston community news

Bridgestone Select Dural

Back in September last year Bridgestone Select was opened at 827 Old Northern Road. Owner Damon Purkiss is new to the automotive industry, having worked in financial services for the last 15 years. Damon and his young family are looking for the best of both worlds – a “semi-tree change” – a move to the edge of Sydney to escape the hustle and bustle of the city but still be close enough to enjoy the city advantages when needed.

Not satisfied with selling tyres and mechanical services, Damon has also teamed up with Ironman 4X4 to provide the north-west region with a comprehensive four wheel drive and camping service centre. The Ironman range includes everything from bull bars, suspension and driving lights right through to rooftop tents, collapsible buckets and even cartridge toilets!

“I was looking to get out of corporate life and have my own business, but starting something from scratch and with no support was a little daunting. The Bridgestone franchise model provided great support, and the product is so well known it nearly sells itself. The addition of the Ironman four wheel drive range has certainly created a lot of interest from people in the community, and we are starting to give some really good looking vehicles back to customers. It’s great to see the reaction of people when we have had their car for a few days and transform it into a really individual vehicle customised for the owner”.

One thing that Damon and the team are fastidious about is great customer service. “I aim to have everyone leave the store with a smile on their face, whether it be because we have been able to fix a puncture in a tyre quickly so that someone isn’t too late for work, all the way to a big four wheel drive fit-out that a customer is really happy with. I want us to be known as the team that will go above and beyond to satisfy and delight our customers”.

If the growing number of bull bars in the area with little green Ironman logos is anything to go by, it appears Damon’s customer focus is working.

Why not call in for a chat with Damon at Unit 1, 827 Old Northern Road, Dural ( just near McDonalds).