galston community news

Bowler of the Year

Local resident Natham Constable

On Sunday 18th February 2018, Natham Constable was presented with the award of Bowler of the Year by the NSW TenPin Bowling Association (TBA) under the category of 2017 NSW State Award for An Athlete With A Disability.

Natham had just completed his second weekend of bowling at Campbelltown City Bowl at the NSW State Championships (Able Bodied) when he was presented with this award.

Natham is a young gentleman who assists in everything and anything to do with tenpin bowling – a sport he absolutely loves and the challenges that come with it.

He bowls at Hornsby and assists his fellow bowlers anyway he can. He is “chief computer man” for his club and collects and enters data and assists with the Hornsby Rockets lnvitational Competition where he produces all the statistics which are then entered on their Blogspot. He voluntarily produces a monthly Newsletter which informs the members of upcoming events, news and special achievements.

Natham has been on the NSW Disability State Team (Cole Cup) for 5 years, bowling in ACT, Queensland, Victoria, NSW and this year in South Australia.

Another of Natham’s achievements, he was the Disabled NSW State Champion Masters Restricted Winner at Lidcombe and he received the Restricted Team Challenge Chairpersons Award.

Recently Natham came 3rd in the Disabled State Championship Restricted Masters at lllawarra and he WON the National Disability Restricted Masters Championship at Rooty Hill.

He has been on the Hornsby Rockets Committee as a bowler representative for 6 years and has WON the Clark Award (most pins bowled over average) for the past 3 years.

Natham was recently presented with the Rotary Club Quiet Achievers Award for services to the Sport of TenPin Bowling.
Well Done Natham.