galston community news

Boral Concrete Upgrade 2017

Boral have approached the Glenorie Progress Association to advise that they are planning on submitting a DA for the upgrade of operations at the Glenore batching plant. They see this as an opportunity to present an overview to the members of the Association and all interested residents to gather feedback to help give the process additional direction. In the interests of community consultation the GPA invited two representatives of Boral Concrete to the GPA meeting on 10 October to present this overview of their designs to enhance the use and capabilities for the Glenorie site. All members, friends and neighbours were invited for everyone in the community to be able to be informed on the positives of this project and to identify any concerns our community may have with the proposal.

At the meeting questions were raised as to hours of operation, noise factors, dust issues and the traffic impact that the plant may generate if it is ever operating at capacity. Boral would like to ensure that, if the DA is approved, the result is operations which are conducted as best as possible in terms of minimal influence over the surrounding neighbourhood.

All residents are able to see a copy of the Presentation and also the two letters that have been circulated to a small footprint around the plant on our website

The GPA is acting as a conduit for all Glenorie residents to be able to have the opportunity to contact Boral directly to express any concerns you may have with this proposed DA.

Contact details are: Kate Jackson Senior Planning & Development Manager 9033 5546 / 0418 748 070 / [email protected]; Paul Jackson Stakeholder Relations Manager 4677 2946 / 0401 894 097 / [email protected]; [email protected]

Scott and Sons