galston community news

Big support for small business

The Sydney Hills Small Business Exchange is back by popular demand providing help, support and advice to small businesses in the Hills on 10 March 2016.

Returning for a second year, the Exchange will bring new ideas for connecting small businesses with key agencies and suppliers with the purpose of nurturing and supporting home grown small business in the Hills.

The Sydney Hills Small Business Exchange is a free council initiative and reflects the importance the Hills Shire Council places on establishing a strong local economy.

“The Small Business Exchange gives Council the opportunity to help small businesses connect with government and non-government agencies and suppliers to gain support and instrumental advice on small business management and operation,” Mayor of the Hills Shire Dr Michelle Byrne said.

“The Exchange provides local business with an innovative one-stop shop experience giving them unparalleled access to industry leaders that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.”

The Exchange will allow small businesses to form relationships with agencies that will assist to answer key aspects of business governance, operations, development and marketing.

Attendees can book appointments with industry leaders such as Smart Financial Advice, St George Bank, Crowe Horwath, 360 HR and Servcorp.

In addition, a number of government organisations will be available to offer practical advice such as the ATO, Fair Trading, ASIC and SafeWork NSW.

“Supporting local business is an important role that council plays within our community. We already have a thriving local economy and as it continues to grow, we want to be there, providing the support that hard working small businesses deserve, creating a financially strong and well-resourced community,” Mayor Byrne said.

If you are interested in attending the Small Business Exchange, would like to register for a 15-minute appointment or sign up for workshops please visit

Sydney Hills Small Business Exchange
When: 8.30am – 6pm Thursday 10 March, 2016
Where: Norwest Novotel, 1 Columbia Court, Baulkham Hills