galston community news

Big Award for Local Club

Big Award for Local ClubAlthough only a small cricket club albeit in its 130th year, with 8 junior teams and 4 senior teams, the Glenorie District Cricket club is punching well above its weight in the cricket scene.

Recently, our President Amanda Fraser, received a prestigious national award from Cricket Australia – Volunteer of The Year.

Big Award for Local ClubBig Award for Local ClubNominations are submitted within every state and territory, then a short list of two is submitted from each state body, then Cricket Australia assesses all and decides. If you have time, I am sure Amanda would be delighted to have a chat and expand on the wonderful initiatives this club has taken especially in the youth and girls’ areas.

Cricket Australia made a big deal of it at our recent presentations’ ceremony – which was very well attended at the Glenorie RSL not only by 160 club members and supporters but by our local politicians including Phillip Ruddock, Mark Hodges and Viginia Ellis – but CA asked us to keep it quiet until they officially announced it. There is a wonderful video on their Facebook page, and I have also attached a few images on the day.

More recently our local Cricket Association and the Hills Council also recognised Amanda and her committee’s wonderful contribution to cricket and the broader community – photo attached with the mayor.