galston community news

Australian Plants Society – North Shore Group

The Australian Plants Society – North Shore Group is part of a nation wide organisation which promotes the appreciation and growing of Australian native plants.

The local group meets on the second Friday of the month at 8 pm in the Willow Park Community Centre, 25 Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby. We have speakers on a wide variety of native plant related topics. The dates of meetings and other information can be found at The meeting ends with a friendly chat over supper.

The group also runs a Monday Walks and Talks programme at the Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden at 420 Mona Vale Rd, St Ives. The programme is divided into four terms commencing on February 28th. Speakers cover specific plants or geology related to plant groups, and then the group is taken on an easy walk to see what has been spoken about. Participants meet at 9.45 a m at Caley’s Pavilion, formerly known as the Bushland Education Centre and should wear suitable shoes, bring water and a hat. The session usually ends at 12 noon. Other activities at the Wildflower Garden include plant propagation and bush regeneration.

Visitors to our activities are always welcome and no particular knowledge is required, merely an interest in native plants. Age is not a barrier.

Members usually enjoy a walk each month or a native garden visit and once a year some members and partners have a weekend away at interesting places, such as last year’s trip to Nelson’s Bay. At times members open their native gardens for viewing or have a hands on workshop.

Each spring the group, in conjunction with Ku-ring-gai Council runs a Wildflower Festival at the Wildflower Garden at St Ives and this is always popular.

Those with a more advanced interest may be interested in the Hornsby Online Herbarium which is an on going project managed by a small group of dedicated native plant hunters.

Other activities include an annual plant identification course, and the provision of an annual scholarship to a suitably qualified researcher.

So you can see that there is something of interest to everyone and you will not be pressured to be involved in more than you want to be.

The Australian Plants Society-North Shore Group will meet at 7-45 pm on February 9th in the Willow Park Community Hall, (behind Wallarobba Art Gallery) 25 Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby. NPWS Ranger Tegan Burton will speak about her role in protecting native flora in our National Parks. Visitors welcome.
Further information at or call Rae 94562111.