galston community news


The first meeting of the Australian Plants Society- North Shore Group for 2020 will be held on Friday, 14 February 2020 at 7-45 pm at the Willow Park Community Centre, 25 Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby.

Our guest speaker is Simon Leake.

His topic is: The soils and vegetation of Barangaroo Headland Park Simon will describe how plantings and thriving vegetation have been successfully established in the public spaces at Barangaroo.

For this project, commonly available recycled inorganic resources (crushed sandstone and recycled sand from building excavation) were combined with composted wood mulch screened from green garden waste collections and used to recreate a three-tiered replacement soil landscape for Barangaroo. The mulch layer or “O” (for organic) horizon would be analogous to the forest litter layer; the topsoil or A horizon, a welldrained sandy soil containing nutrients, organic matter and biological life and the Subsoil or B horizon, a well-drained water holding layer for root anchorage and moisture reserve. au/projects/barangarooheadland-park/

Simon is a soil scientist extraordinaire who leads a team with extensive achievements in rehabilitation, reconstruction and renewal of diverse urban projects and mine sites.

Visitors welcome. Our library will be available for borrowing. Plant sales from 7.45 pm. Join us for a cuppa afterwards.

More information at www. Shore or Facebook site: