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Australian Pump is Australia’s leading manufacturer of high pressure water blasters. The company started around 22 years ago building simple machines and realised there was a huge opening for heavy duty blasters designed for tough Australian operating conditions.

As the company progressed, they found that many customers, at both operators and management levels, didn’t understand the benefits of using a turbo lance with their machine. The turbo effectively multiplies the cleaning impact by up to 100% providing double the speed and cleaning power of the pressure cleaner!

The turbo lance functions by taking a pin jet, the most concentrated force out of any pressure cleaner and multiplying its effectiveness and range by spinning it as it goes through the head. It’s that spinning turbo inside the head that gets the work done. The turbo is ideal for stripping paint off walls and can save a huge number of hours on any project.

Aussie Pumps’ ‘Turbo Mania’ catalogue, illustrating how turbos work, their advantage for professional users and how to select the right nozzle size for specific machines is readily available from Australian Pump Industries. “Anybody who buys a professional pressure cleaner without a turbo to suit