galston community news

Arcadian Quilting News Sharing And Caring

For some, a large percentage of time can be taken up with caring for and caring about others. Caring about what a person might think of us, about an action we have taken or an offer we have made.

‘Will my action create a good result for someone else, will my offer of help or friendship be acceptable’. These ‘ideas and offers’ go towards creating the communities in which we live.

We all feel the need to be part of ‘something’ outside of ourselves.

Quilting What joy I felt recently, seeing these two gentlemen sharing ‘time together’ in a community environment … perfect I’d say. We start by teaching our children how to make friends. How to get along with school pals, how to share their toys, their books perhaps … or their special free time at the end of a busy day.  Quilting  Quilting 

The busy creative hands of our quilting group have the sharing and caring in mind when a delightful gem such as this quilt is produced and shown, ready to be handed on to wherever it will bring comfort when times are tough.

With SO MANY people now in need of encouragment and help after this recent challenging weather I can see our days and free time filled with creating practical items which we can offer by way of support when so much has been lost.

For further information about our group and just what we do, please contact Carole on 9894 7749. We meet on the 1st, the 3rd and the 5th Wednesdays at 9.30am. Due to health restrictions at the moment we are currently meeting at the CWA Hall, opposite the Fire Shed on Annongrove Road, Dural