galston community news

Arcadia Turns 80!

On the 19th of February 1941, a public meeting was held at the Galston School of Arts where a proposal to form a local volunteer bush fire brigade was heard.

Arcadia RFB was established in 1941 after bushfires affected the area in 1939. It was originally part of the “Outer Sydney Bush Fire Brigade” before branching out to be the “Arcadia-Berrilee Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade” in 1952. During that time the brigade was established at Arcadia park, where it has remained since.

The station may have changed shape over the years, but the resident’s desire to help the community has not.

We’d love to hear your stories and memories of the brigade and the people who shaped it.

In March, the brigade began hazard reduction preparations for future hazard reduction burns. Hazard reduction burns are one of many ways to mitigate the bush fire risk in the area. General home and property maintenance is an effective way of keeping your property safer. Whilst the 2020/2021 bush fire danger period has come to an end as of the 31st of March, the risk of fire does not diminish. Coming into the cooler months the use of heaters and fireplaces are used more frequently. Just as you have a bush fire plan that you constantly revise with your household members, you should be doing the same for a house fire.

This includes:
• Making sure household members know the escape plan and where the exits are,
• Never leaving open flames or cooking unattended,
• Checking electric blankets regularly for damage,
• Keep clothing away from the heater by a minimum of 1 metre,
• Do not overload power boards,
• Ensuring you’ve changed your fire alarm batteries and have tested it. You cannot smell smoke in your sleep ad working smoke alarms save lives.

For more information visit the Fire and Rescue NSW webpage for their home safety information.

Do you want to get involved in your community, meet new people, and learn new skills, send us a membership enquiry at [email protected]

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