galston community news

Initiative, creativity, concern for their environment and a great sense of fun. These were the ingredients for Black Cockatoo Day – another great day at Arcadia Public School in September, organised and run totally by our fabulous year 5 and year 6 students. The day was a result of discussion at our Student Parliament where students put forward ideas to enhance their school and the wider environment. Birdlife Australia were thrilled with the money raised to support the glossy black cockatoo and the younger children showed their enthusiasm, dressing up and entering the day’s activities. Skye is pictured here in her prize winning black cockatoo costume – congratulations Skye!

Acadia Public School senior choir are fabulous! Their dedication to learning complex lyrics and parts, and rehearsing steadily over months, culminated in them performing on stage at the Sydney Opera House in September as members of the Arts North choir. An outstanding achievement! Closer to home, they are looking forward to performing at the Galston Early learning Centre’s first market evening on Friday October 20.

The thought of being asked to spell increasingly difficult words in front of a large audience didn’t faze Reuben, Ashley, William and Mathew when they recently represented their school at the District Premier’s Spelling Bee. Each progressed to a very respectable round. We’re really proud of them for having the courage to stand and show off their spelling skills.

Come along to Arcadia Markets on November 18. As usual there will be something for everyone at our fantastic market day. A classy car show and a huge variety of stalls all set in the beautiful grounds of Arcadia Public School. Not to be missed!

Contact the school office on 9653 1207 or visit to find out more about our wonderful school where great things happen every day.