galston community news

Arcadia Rural Fire Service

Crews at Arcadia have been busy behind the scenes, doing trail inspections and familiarization with our newer members. We frequently do trail inspections so we know if trails need maintenance or if any of the landscape has changed. We’ve also welcomed the rain we have received, however we must not become complacent when it comes to bush fire preparation. Many members from the Hornsby District have been away on strike team deployment in Northern NSW. We wish them all a safe return home.

At the beginning of October, Vision Valley in Arcadia played host to the 2019 Australian Fire Cadet Championships. 160 cadets from all around Australia came for the event, which saw them work in teams and compete in events that tested their skills but also demonstrated their comradeship. The events consisted of operations fire fighters regularly practice and use at incidents, including deploying hoses and setting up the portable pump. The winning team was the South West Slopes cadet team from NSW.

From the 26th of September there has been a change in road rules around emergency vehicles. Are you familiar with this change? On roads with speed limits of 90km/h or more, motorists are required to slow down safely to a speed that is reasonable for the situation, whilst providing sufficient space between their vehicle and the emergency vehicle that displays their lights, a tow truck or break down assistance. Roads with speed limits of 80km/h or less must slow down to 40km/h. For further detail and information, please visit the Transport for NSW website.

Have you ever thought about joining your local rural fire brigade? You can contact us at [email protected].