galston community news

Arcadia Public School Team Spirit

Arcadia Public School has had a brilliant start to 2018 with every class already immersed in learning! Years 2 to 6 had a day away from the classroom and into the pool for the much anticipated swimming carnival which was a huge success. The cheering and chanting could be heard from outside the pool as each House Team encouraged their swimmers along in every race. What fantastic team spirit! Well done to the extremely organised House Captains who displayed great leadership both prior and during the day.

Our new Kindergarten students for 2018 have settled quickly into school life and their big buddies have been a great support in helping them learn the ropes at big school. One of their big buddy responsibilities is to teach their Kindergarten buddy how to care for our school chickens. There is always much excitement over egg collection. Especially the beautiful blue eggs! Big and little buddies also start the year eating lunch together. Kindergarten buddies just can’t get enough of their big buddy friends. There are numerous opportunities in 2018 to come and nd out more about our wonderful school, where great things happen every day. Come and see for yourself!

Contact the school oce on 9653 1207 or visit