galston community news

Arcadia Public School

Fantastic Fun Fridays

Students at Arcadia Public School and their special guests experienced a unique Open Day on Friday May 19. For the second year, agriculture was the theme, with students learning about wool craft, animal husbandry, care of chickens and sheep shearing and as an extra special treat they were entertained by stockman Greg Glasgow. It was literally jaw dropping stuff as Greg rode his horse with incredible skill, cracking his whip and inspiring our equestrian students with his talent. It was a real pleasure to welcome Dani and the children from the Galston Early Learning Centre to enjoy the day with us. They must think ‘big school’ is a pretty exciting place!

We celebrated “Walk to School Day” the following Friday May 26, in true Arcadian style with families and pets, led by Rolf Crystal playing the bagpipes. Some say that this is their favourite school activity of the year with a BBQ breakfast and a catch up. The road safety messages are of course the most important aspect, keeping our students safe.

Into June and the following Friday saw a very civilised picnic lunch hosted by Kindergarten. They invited their big buddies and were thrilled to sit on picnic blankets near the chook shed, just hanging out and spending special time together.

On that very Friday, Year 6 were fortunate enough to hear ex – Socceroo Captain, Paul Wade, speak. Kobi summed up his message… ‘He told us not to give up on hard things and to keep on trying… because transitioning to high school is a quick thing and you need to get used to it speedily …’You can’t control the wind but you can turn the sails’.

Contact the school office on 9653 1207 or visit to find out more about our wonderful school where great things happen every day – not just Fridays!