galston community news

Arcadia Playgroup and Phoenix the Butterfly Champion

The Arcadia Playgroup runs every 2nd Thursday from 9.30-11am, during school terms, on school grounds at Arcadia Public School. It is affiliated with Playgroup NSW and deemed to be one of the best outdoor playgroups in the state! The playgroup is very well resourced with a beautifully renovated shed which stores a wide range of both indoor and outdoor toys for all ages from 0-5 years. There is also a vast array of arts and crafts resources, tea and coffee making facilities, a change table, a book corner and much more!

With last year’s COVID restrictions, Arcadia Playgroup numbers have dropped, but we are keen to get things going again! Many new Mums in the local area may have missed out on connecting with other Mums in the way that the local playgroup provides. If you are a local parent with a child aged 0-5 years, we would really like to encourage you to come along and check out our wonderful playgroup! In addition to having a craft activity in each session, we also have access to the brand new architecturally designed sand play space on Arcadia School grounds, with a range of beautiful natural climbing frames, a fun distortion mirror, a little wooden boat and sandstone sculptures!

We request a gold coin donation and to bring some fruit or snack for your child. Call Arcadia Public School on 9653 1207 for more information.

Meanwhile at Arcadia Public School, we are so proud of all the students who represented the school at the Beecroft PSSA carnival on March 4 at the Sydney Olympic Aquatic Centre. We are particularly proud to announce that Phoenix achieved Zone Junior Champion for Butterfly! Congratulations Phoenix! Once again proving our motto to be true
– Small School – Big Opportunities!

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