galston community news

Arcadia Playgroup – Bigger and Better!

Arcadia Playgroup enjoyed a wonderful year of improvement and growth in 2017.  Following a generous renovation approval from the Arcadia Public School P& C in late 2016, the Arcadia Playgroup Shed – located on the grounds of Arcadia Public School – was given a full renovation including the addition of electricity, adequate drainage, gyprock walls and ceiling, new concrete slab with stencilled finish and lots of behind the scenes extras.  The playgroup also benefited from a $2000 Australian Government Volunteers Grant which provided a number of items including a much needed shade umbrella for the picnic table, tea and coffee making facilities, first aid kit and storage for the toys and craft supplies.

A grand opening of the improvements was conducted in May 2017 by local federal MP – Julian Leeser – who has continued to personally support the playgroup by donating his own heater to keep the kiddies warm in the shed in the winter months!  To top things off, we were named “Playgroup of the Month” by Playgroup NSW in July 2017!

While these improvements have been very exciting for the playgroup coordinators and made a huge difference to the comfort and enjoyment of the parents, the kids have continued their usual fun routines of varied craft activities, roller coaster rides, sand and water play, story-time and parachute play, none the wiser that their parents can now easily make themselves a tea or coffee and sit in the shade at the picnic table, while having peace of mind regarding the secure and clean storage of the toys.

Our numbers are growing, but as the only truly outdoor playgroup on Playgroup NSW’s books, we have plenty of room for more!  Arcadia Playgroup has enjoyed fantastic support from Arcadia Public School, and is the perfect place to ensure the transition to “Big School” is smooth with a familiar environment.  With many new families moving to the area, we are very well resourced and ready to grow!  

Arcadia Playgroup meets fortnightly on Thursdays during school terms, from 9.30-11am.  Bring a snack and gold coin donation.  We are a member of Playgroup NSW – all ongoing attendees are required to become a member of Playgroup NSW however ½ of the fee is reimbursed via a gift card funded by Arcadia P&C!  

For more information, please contact Dale Carn on 0410 532 562.