galston community news

Arcadia Galston – Residents Association Inc.

AGRA (Arcadia Galston – Residents Association) held the AGM and General Meeting on the 3rd August via Zoom with thirty three members attending.

All positions were declared vacant with all officer bearers reinstated to their positions. As President, I would like to that the Executive and Committee for their work in the past 12 months, during COVID, most meetings have been held via Zoom.

At the August meeting, the following was discussed

• Community Defib community project
Michael Elvidge has taken interest in this project and has a group of five members to assist him to develop a business plan and approach the council for approval for locations. If anyone else is interested in fundraising and coordinating this community project, please get in touch.

• Local road issues
Cobar Rd roadworks issues were raised at the last Hornsby Council Meeting and a schedule of works will be developed. Councillor Warren Waddell advised that the manager of this task believes they need to return to a maintenance program, mowing during summer months and clearing gutters during winter.

He would like to bring a crew back to working out of the Galston depot again. Members raised the issue of Wylds Rd & Old Northern Rd needs drainage work, Wylds Rd dip which had a water crossing the road, Councillor Waddell advised that the broken water main has been found on a deceased estate and been resolved.

Arcadia Rd near Wlyds Rd has a large drop into the gutter, a number of cars have dropped off and the cars have ended up into the fence. Arcadia Galston

• Vision Valley Update
Stuart Clark represented Pymble Ladies College and presented to the AGRA members the plans the school has for this Vision Valley site into the future. Arcadia Galston

Fagan Park Bayfield Rd gate
A request has been made by locals that the entrance on Bayfield Rd has been closed and the local residents in Bayfield Rd would like it opened again to enable locals to walk through the park.

• Crown land on the MacCallum’s Rd. fire trail down to the ruins
The trail down to the ruins has been having extensive visitation since COVID began to the point where residents are concerned that out of area people are littering, defecating and knocking over fences. Many people do not realise that much of the track is on private property. This land is owned by the Aboriginal Land Council and these visitors are damaging the local area and ruins.

• HSC are planning a seven-year program for management of the sewerage systems.
This will also affect all residences that is on septic or biotreatment systems. AGRA has requested more information from Council on this matter. Arcadia Galston

A reminder that membership is due, for renewal of membership $5.00. New members are welcomed from 2159 postcode, to join is only $10.00. Thank you all for your contribution and stay safe. Arcadia Galston