galston community news

Arcadia and Galston – Resident’s Association Inc (AGRA)

Our meeting was held on the 14th March 2019 at The Galston Club. Fifty-eight locals attended the meeting for the Galston Village Masterplan community engagement session with representatives from Hornsby Council and general business. Representatives included Councilors Warren Waddell, Nathan Tilbury, Mike Marr and Michael Hutchence, Kurt Henkel, Landscape Coordinator from Hornsby Council, Emma Paling from Oculus and Elissa from CoDesign.

Emma Paling asking the meeting a series of questions for community input: –

1. What do you love about Galston?

Comments included – Community feel, Last rural suburb of Sydney, the bushland and gorges, large outdoor spaces, Local produce sellers and Fagan park is one of the treasures of the Sydney area.

2. What improvements could be made to public space and main street?

Comments included – Trees in the precinct, extend the street scape to accommodate the two seniors, an island in the street to make it safe to park, access for people with mobility issues, traffic calming, public toilets, improve green spaces and places of gathering and better provisions for cyclists. The largest consensus was for pedestrian crossings and to widen the road Lastly what improvements can be made to signage and what types of signage. This was followed by a popup street engagement on Saturday 16th March. Further consultation will occur in June.

Other general business in included: –

Arcadia Markets which is the 4th May including a car boot sale with Arcadia Rural Fire Brigade

• Rabbit/Fox Baiting – Local Land Services are to be invited to the next meeting

• Julian Lesser Life line course with AGRA to coordinate the running of an Accidental Councilor course

Utopia 2159 Community Dinner 10th August

Arcadia Hall – The hall has no caretaker, council has installed electronic access system and cameras and has closed off access to the back area for parking as they state it damages the grass area. We have requested to HSC the need for reinstating the Arcadia Hall advisory committee

• Parking opposite Fagan Park on Arcadia Rd and Carrs Creek Rd to include no stopping signs opposite on the road way. Councilors mention that Residence parking stickers are available.

• Private water mains with Interested people to contact AGRA to carry this forwards.

• Local Crime (break and enter) Police LAC will be asked to attend the next meeting

• Kerbs side appearance (overgrown grass): Individuals can approach council if they have issues that need to be address.

That ended a very busy but productive meeting. Residents of 2159 can join AGRA for $10 and this will enable you to keep up to date with meeting dates. Alternatively, please join our Facebook page and look out on the local shop windows for notices.

Email – [email protected]
President : Sonja Cameron