galston community news

Annangrove Preschool Kindergarten

Cuddly guinea pigs:
The children in the preschool room take pride in caring for our 3 guinea pigs. In this hot weather we have been discussing the importance of keeping fresh water available. Through our research with the children we also learnt that it is important for guinea pigs to eat foods such as oranges for vitamin C.

Plant smiles, grow laughter and harvest love:
The flowers of tomorrow are the seeds of today. So it is time to get gardening! The children have noticed that while we have been away on summer holidays the garden has been busy growing. We have come back to tall corn, bushy parsley and yummy capsicums. While tending to our mature plants we also planted some new seeds. It was decided to plant more colourful flowers in the garden in the hope of attracting butterflies. Luckily we have plenty of watering cans to share around as all the children are eager to help care for the garden.

Rainbow Fish:
Welcoming new and familiar faces into the preschool room during our first week of January brought about many discussions surrounding friendship. The Rainbow Fish story provides the perfect introduction to exploring ideas and thoughts surrounding how to be kind to others. The children contributed their own suggestions on how we can be kind such as sharing turns on the slide, helping a friend who is sad and listening to other’s feelings. Following our discussions the children enthusiastically headed to the tables to create their own colourful and individual rainbow fish.

Children feel safe, secure and supported:
Furthermore to our investigation into friendships we have used the interactive whiteboard to research songs and stories. This lead us to find information on ‘What makes a good friend’ the children were pleased to find they share many traits as displayed in the story. As a group the children also reflected that they appreciate other children’s effort to be kind and caring. Continuing to the tables the children drew pictures of themselves with their friends, contributed their fingerprints to our friendship tree and handprints to our wreath.

Pat Fedele