galston community news

Aged Care Careers Expo

A reminder to come along to our Aged Care Careers Expo to learn about exciting opportunities and meaningful work in aged care. Brought to you by Hornsby, Ku-ring-gai, Mosman, Northern Beaches, Ryde and Willoughby Councils, the Aged Care Careers Expo can help you to discover how to gain employment in aged care and the best ways to get started in your new career.

At the Expo, you can learn about:
  • Type of jobs available,
  • Areas you can specialise�
  • What qualifications you can study for

Also, hear guest speakers talk about their experiences working in aged care and talk to over 25 service providers and employers.

This FREE event is taking place on Thursday, 23 March 10.00am – 12.30pm at the Dougherty Centre, 7 Victor St, Chatswood.