galston community news

A New Kind Of Sleigh Bell

Our collective team at Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade wish to thank all the community for your incredible support to us over the year. We gratefully acknowledge the thoughtful donations during the chaotic fires of the 2019-2020 fire emergency. We also thank you for your encouragement, financial support, fundraising and for the hordes of packs of water (that are still being used by crews on every callout, thanks!). A special mention to the families, neighbours and friends of our volunteers, without which all the hours sacrificed supporting our fellow countrymen would not have been possible without their understanding.

The past year records all of us challenged by fire, smoke, storms, flooding, hail, and COVID-19 pandemic. It is these experiences that can make our community stronger by showing us how we can do better, how we can prepare better, and how good our plans really are. A positive attitude changes everything.

December means summer and Christmas festivities, and as you prepare and decorate, please remember to clear your yard and trim those trees as well. You can make fire safety a part of the festive season. No matter how green your garden is, a week of hot, dry winds will quickly change the landscape to high-risk fire danger.

Santa is on his way. The annual Glenorie Santa Run is on this Christmas Eve. Santa is scheduled to be riding on a fire truck with his Glenorie Brigade crew. Come along and join in the Christmas spirit with the community. Check out the map for times that Santa will be travelling around Glenorie. The start will be at the corner of Timaru and Old Northern Rd at 4:00 pm, stopping at the intersection of Cairns Rd and Old Northern Rd at approximately 4:45pm, then looping around Post Office Rd at about 5:00 pm and finishing at Woolworth’s.

Please note that for safety, Santa’s fire truck sleigh will not be stopping on Old Northern Rd.

It’s a new kind of sleigh bell…listen out for the blast of the siren, so you know Santa is coming. We look forward to seeing you all on Christmas Eve and helping share the season’s joy.

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