galston community news

A Diamond In Galston

Galston Netball Club is proud to bring former Australian Diamond and Giants Netballer Susan Pettitt to Galston Netball Courts for two clinics in the upcoming school holidays. We know lots of our players love their netball and will grab any chance they can to play. We will be running a 3-hour skills session and a 2-hour shooting clinic. Don’t miss this opportunity to train with Susan ahead of the 2019 netball season!

Following our recent grading day, we have formed 10 junior teams with most age groups being able to field 2 teams. These teams have commenced training with the start of the season on 4th May not that far away. We are really excited about the strong base of players at our club and wish all our players an enjoyable pre-season.

The club is also pleased to field 3 NetSetGO teams this season with their competition starting on Friday 3rd May. Most of our NetSetGO players have already been busy practising their netball at our 2 skills clinics that run on Thursday afternoons at the Galston Netball Courts. These clinics are also open to those who are interested in netball, but do not want to commit to the winter season.

Galston Netball Club fields teams aged 6 years to adult in the Hills District Netball Association winter competition. For further information about winter registrations, NetSetGO clinics or our upcoming Susan Pettitt clinics please contact secretary. [email protected]

And, make sure you like the Galston Netball Club Facebook page to stay updated.