galston community news

A busy and exciting year at Arcadia Pony Club

2017 has shaped up as another busy and exciting year at Arcadia Pony Club.

With the year flying by, our members have attended a number of rally days with fun and engaging sessions from our qualified instructors. Our members have successfully competed at a number of regional and Royal Shows including Castle Hill Show, the Hawkesbury Show, Sydney Royal and Bathurst Royal.

They have also attended a number of Zone and State Pony Club competitions with great results at all events. And, we’ve also welcomed a number of new members to our Club this year too!

The good news is that the rest of the year is shaping up to be just as exciting.

Not only do we have our regular rally days, some of which will include sessions from external instructors, but we also have a number of closed and Zone events coming up including the following:

• Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th July – Zone Sporting, Team Sporting and Mounted Games (Forest Hills)

• Sunday, 6th August – Closed Showjumping (Arcadia)

• Sunday 13th August – Zone ODE (Dural)

• Sunday 10th September – Zone Horsemanship (Dural)

• Sunday 15th October – Closed Sporting (Arcadia)

• Sunday 5th November – Closed Showriding and Dressage (Arcadia)

And, for our members, don’t forget the annual Arcadia Pony Cub camp will be held in October. What could be more fun than camping with friends and your pony!

Do you love horses, enjoy teaching children and think you may have an interest in becoming a pony club instructor? We provide a safe and structured learning program in line with Pony Club NSW guidelines.

Arcadia Pony meets the first, third and fifth Sunday of each month at the Rural Sports Facility in Galston. Want to find out more? Visit us at