galston community news

Hornsby Greens Berowra Campaign

Hornsby Greens Berowra Campaign: Proposed Policy Foci

Immediate Cost of Living Crisis Measures
• Regulate the banks, including the Reserve Bank: bring down mortgage rates
• Universal healthcare: GP for free, dental & mental health into Medicare
• Fix the housing crisis: support renters and first home buyers
• Defend workers’ rights: lift wages
• Public Transport Fares: 50c fares
• Toll Roads: End tolling company monopoly and place in public hands

Strengthen Economic, Tax and Law Policy
• Everyone to pay fair taxes: tax billionaires, millionaires and corporations
• Support small businesses and cooperatives
• Amend Section 44 of the constitution: allow dual citizens into government
• Political Corruption: strengthen lobbying regulations • Strengthen Democracy: Truth in Advertising laws strengthened
• Participatory Democracy: fund citizen juries to report to parliament

Strong Climate Action
• Fund batteries, wind and solar: end billions in handouts to coal, oil and gas corporations
• Transition to reliable clean energy: lower power bills
• End native forest logging: save koalas and our wildlife from extinction

Foreign Policy and Defence
• Withdraw from AUKUS: establish an independent foreign policy that prioritises peace without nuclear weapons
• Legislate a ban on the import of goods produced using forced labour

Authorised by A. Croft for The Greens NSW. 19/1 Hordern Pl, Camperdown NSW 2050