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Marvellous Machines

Bringing old stationary engines back to life is a passion amongst some of our “Friends of Fagan Park” volunteers. The once silent, or rattling and clanking and even sometimes spluttering engines are now purposefully putt-putting, rhythmically rumbling with their pistons pumping!

The images show a few of the restored engines at Fagan Park. The Ruston and Hornsby engine is dated around the late 1940’s and was used to belt drive machinery and pumps. It is started with a crank handle, having first activated the decompression lever.

You are invited to see some of the engines from our collection in motion at our upcoming open day. Yesteryear at Fagan Park and Garden Gala Sunday 6th October 9am-4pm Fagan Park, Arcadia Road Galston

Prager Building