galston community news

New Facebook Group: Sharing Homegrown – in & around CHERRYBROOK

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″ offset=”vc_col-lg-1/5 vc_col-md-1/5 vc_col-xs-1/5″][us_image image=”81787″ size=”thumbnail” align=”left” style=”circle” has_ratio=”1″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″ offset=”vc_col-lg-4/5 vc_col-md-4/5 vc_col-xs-4/5″][vc_column_text]By Tracey Nowlan[/vc_column_text][us_post_date][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Introducing a new Facebook group for our local community.

I came to live in Cherrybrook nearly 30 years ago and have a love of this area and the surrounding suburbs.

This group is along similar lines to the larger NSW group which does Crop Swapping.

However I would like this to be more about sharing without necessarily asking for something in return, and importantly without the long travelling distances. The aim is to reduce waste and help us eat well for less with produce that is homegrown in & around our local community.

Sometimes we end up with a bumper crop of something that exceeds our needs and sharing this will save this from being wasted with the possibility of swapping for someone else’s excess that is mutually agreeable.

With the price rises of fresh produce, offering your homegrown produce and home made goodies, is a great way to achieve this and get involved in a very feel good way with people who live close.

Sharing can be so beneficial as this group is not limited to those who grow edibles, if there is something you make, then this group is also for you, homemade goodies are extremely well received.

Equally if you have an item that can assist with growing or producing homemade goodies, again this group is for you as without these tools we cannot share!

This group is very new, yet there have been offers of homegrown produce that have been turned into homemade goodies, sharing of homemade items such as a microwave cosy, and homemade dal; the possibilities are wherever your talents are, growing, cooking, baking, anything that helps your neighbour.

Please take a look at the group, and if you would like to join it would be great to have you involved, as the weather warms up and the growing season kicks off I am looking forward to beneficial sharing being plentiful and welcoming new members.

Join the group now: Sharing Homegrown – in & around CHERRYBROOK

new Facebook group
