galston community news

The Not for Profit 70 Years Old Bush Music Club Inc. Celebrates in 2024

The Bush Music Club (BMC) formed in October,1954, with its early founding members engaged for Dick Diamond’s Reedy River 1950’s touring show about the 1891 shearers strike, continues into its 70-year of not for profit tuition, performing, attending festivals, dancing/balls, yarn-spinning, social and ancillary roles, for its wide-spread members enjoyment. (the Prime Minister mentioned 1891 a few days ago).

Later this year will see a 3rd Members Reunion Luncheon for the 70th Year Celebrations.

So far in 2024 there’s been 2 quarterly Mulga Wire publications produced/theNational Library & Archives files it, blogs and pictures; two Beecroft Community CentreFamily Bush Dances and another due on Saturday 3rd August and 7th December from2-4.30pm.; there’s BMC’s Monday night music learning and practice for performances, plus the separately located, weekly PennantHills Library Monday 7.30- 9.30pm dance workshop occurs.

There’s a monthly Play ford Dance & an annual live-to air community radio interview, live-streamed & podcast globally from the Alive 90.5 fm Baulkham Hills Studio.

BMC performed at the January 3-dayIllawarra Folk Festival at Bulli Showground with their younger ‘Saplings’ group, etc. and again with the Southern Cross Bush Bandmembers at the St. Albans Folk Festival in late April.

BMC members will perform at theup-coming Xmas in July / Pennant Hills DanceWorkshop and at October’s Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival. In August 2023, BMC were involved at the Sydney Folk Festival,also where a club member unexpectedlyplayed Lagerphone with the legendaryBushWackers Band of Roger Corbett and in the absence of Dobe Newton.

Some BMC Inc members volunteer atvarious music festivals; the committee meets monthly with an AGM in March and reports to NSW Fair Trading. The club has a variety ofelectronic medium contacts.

Further details are available on the website:, or email [email protected]. Hornsby ShireCouncil Events web-pages and hall bookings,also show BMC’s area activities.

Northside washer service