galston community news

“Cream of the Crop” at Arcadia Public School

Well-adjusted human beings, who thrive in their world, have a connection with where their food is produced and understand their effect on the environment. Yes, that is our goal for our students at Arcadia PS and with the support of our fabulous community we are well on track. Arcadia Public School Agricultural Adventure Open Day was a huge success. We were joined by pre-schoolers and their families who milked a cow, learnt about the care of chickens, felted the hair of alpacas and created a gathering of scarecrows in our fabulous vegetable garden. Thank you to our Year 5 and Year 6 students who, proudly displaying the “Arcadian Way”, lead groups of students and visitors around our beautiful school from activity to activity.

Months of preparation and rehearsal saw our senior choir once again participate in the recent ArtsAlive primary choral concert. It is definitely what memories are made of – performing on the stage of Sydney Town Hall.

Congratulations to our Zone athletics competitors, each one a star. Special mention to India who came third in the 12 year girls Zone discus finals.

Well done to APS Equestrian Team riders who represented our school at Tara Interschools. Both Oscar and Maddie were awarded ribbons and placings in various categories. Our team also competed at Arndell Interschools and Camden Interschools; all adding up to a full equestrian calendar – GO ARCADIA!

You are welcome to view photos from these events on our school website at