galston community news

Galston Public School

Galston Public School students are presently enjoying a welldeserved Term 3 break. Prior to this term vacation many events occurred, especially the unforgettable Canberra/Snow excursion Years 5 and 6 had. Their experiences are now memories that they will hold in their hearts and minds forever. Their teachers, Mrs Pearce, Mrs Cansdale and Mr Finch were very proud indeed of their enthusiastic participation and outstanding behaviour with all the planned activities. As well these senior school students more than capably organised and held their annual Year 6 Mini Fete. They provided a fun day for all the other students and teachers.

Congratulations to Anna, Chase, Henry and Finn who qualified to participate in the Regional Premier’s Spelling Bee Final which was recently held at Hornsby North Public School. Anna reached Level 4 of this challenging competition and was indeed an exemplary representative of Galston Public School. An AWESOME effort.

Courageous and determined efforts were displayed by Galston Public School’s Athletics Team which competed in the Beecroft PSSA Zone Athletics Field and Track Events. What a fine group of sporting ambassadors these students were.

Last week K-2 students had an incursion to learn about ‘Responsible Pet Ownership’ and in particular, ‘A safe way to approach a dog’, ‘If you are approached by an angry dog’ and ‘How to Say Hello to dogs with their owners’.

What a wonderful excursion Stage 1 students had when they visited Longneck Lagoon. They had educational adventures in Dragonfly Creek, captured snails, and even little fish and scorpions. Following all the outdoor activities, microscopic investigations occurred in the indoor classroom. An exciting day was had by everyone.

Kindergarten Orientations will be held over four weeks in November. The first orientation will be held on Wednesday the 9th November, 2016 at 5pm. The subsequent days will be each successive Wednesday (16th, 23rd , and 30th) at 9am.

If you are thinking of enrolling your child please come along and you will find out about the wonderful programs which have been planned for Kindergarten children in 2017. You will also be able to meet other parents and enjoy a chat over coffee and cake.

So if you would like to know more about our vibrant school, please contact the school office (9653 2062) and any questions you have, will be happily answered.