galston community news

Hillside Public School

It was wonderful to be able to donate to Wrapt with Love 10 hand knitted blankets made by the children and knitters of Hillside. Our thanks go to all those wonderful knitters and of course, The Knitting Club.

Middle Dural Public School joined us on Tuesday 3rd September on a fabulous excursion to Australiana Pioneer Village. Both schools dressed in colonial costume and looked right at home in the old slab huts and on the dusty streets of the village. The children learnt about how hard life was for the early European settlers in the Hawkesbury – pumping water, churning butter, washing clothes with a washboard, spinning wool and of course, going on a wagon ride. A fascinating look at life in the colonies.

Congratulations to our two Junior competitors in the Regional Premiers Spelling Bee – Rubee and Samuel L. Well Done and a great achievement.

On Monday 12th September four students attended the Metropolitan North Athletics Carnival at Homebush to run in the Austen and Bagley Small Schools Relay. Congratulations to Arabella, Sam I, Joshua and Madison who won the relay race and are now off to represent Hillside at State Carnival to be held in October.

Hillside turns 90 this year and to celebrate, a Bush Dance and Spit Roast will be held at Hillside on Saturday 29th October. All are welcome. For more details, please contact the school – 96521459 Kinder Orientation will be held in term 4 on Thursdays 13th, 20th, 27th. October.

Enrolments are now being accepted for 2017. Phone: 9652 1459