galston community news

KU Galston Preschool

Another term has flown by…. In September all of our dads were treated to a delicious pancake breakfast to celebrate Father’s Day. It was lovely to see so many dads spending the morning with their children, thank you for taking the time to visit preschool.

Last Saturday we held our very first “Bake Stall” at the front of the Bendigo Bank at Galston. We were hoping to raise $650 to purchase a new enclosure for our chickens. We were so lucky to raise $1210! Thank you very much to everyone who helped out with baking and helping on our stall, the KU Galston Preschool community spirit was definitely alive and well. Thank you also to Galston Village Pharmacy and the Prentice family for their generous donations towards our bake stall. We will now be able to purchase the Taj Mahal of chicken coops!

This term has seen us starting to have communal morning teas where we have asked each family to bring in a piece of fruit or a vegetable that we can then cut up with the children and share for morning tea. We have also made with the children a tzatziki, hommos or avocado dip to dip our vegetable sticks into. We have seen many children trying different vegetables that they may not have yet tasted and overall there has been a push towards healthier eating by all.

We are currently enrolling for 2017 and have limited places available. If you have a preschool aged child please feel free to visit or contact the preschool for further information from our Director Rebecca on 96532252 or [email protected].