galston community news

Glenorie Public School

On the 12th September, Glenorie’s best athletes competed in the Sydney North Athletics Carnival (Area Athletics). Congratulations to Matthew, Nick, Nathaniel, Ben, Lachlan, Madelynne, Lilly, Amelia, Sienna, Chloe, Sam and Andy who will be going on to State Athletics on the 12th of October. Good luck!

18th September – you all know what day that was. The Glenorie Public School Country Fair. Every two years, the school buzzes with excitement and preparation for our famous country fair, every single person contributing to the success of this great day. We thank Mrs. Williams and the P&C for all their hard work that made the day such a huge success. As part of fundraising, Glenorie Public School students sold raffle tickets and each donated a jar full of goodies for a game and they also made signs.

23rd September – a day all students are probably looking forwards to. Yes, it’s the END OF TERM 3! This term has literally flown by. We’ve learnt so much, had our famous Country Fair, plus about a hundred thousand other fun things. End of term is always an exciting time for students as we get to kick back and relax for a couple of weeks before again immersing ourselves in education.

Congratulations to those students who competed in ICAS English. The results of the competition came out a couple of weeks ago, and our school had brilliant results.

10 October is the start of Term 4. After a well-deserved rest, students will start their final term of 2016. Things to look forwards to in Term 4: K-6 Olympathon, 1st Kindy Orientation, Ball Games Carnival, Gymnastics and the Firewise Program by our wonderful Rural Fire Service.

Gymnastics starts on the 12th October. Our gymnastics program is compulsory and students gain not only flexibility and discipline, they learn to do things in a safe environment that they would never normally attempt. Gymnastics is part of our interactive PDHPE syllabus.

Stage 3 have been working hard to organise a sort of school version of the Olympic Games. There will be fun activities to do with the Olympics, there will even be an opening ceremony!

That’s it for this month’s bulletin, we hope you all enjoy your long-awaited holidays!